Thursday 14 July 2011


Once I was at the cabinet of psychiatrist where I was asked ‘When do you feel the pain?’ ‘I couldn’t exactly define’ – I replied. ‘Doesn’t pain appear at night before you go to sleep?’ – Doctor asked me once more. ‘It might sort of be onwards that…’ I provided kind of vague answer.

So finally Doctor made sincere and honest conclusion: ‘You know, I see your problem. At night when you are left alone your fears take you over. ’ ‘You made quite a point I thought’ but left the service.

When I actually turned around my lazy neck and saw bunch of my friends taking visual actions – some left the country for a prosperous job, some play poker, some deal their own companies, some became hipsters and ride their bikes, some became managers, some lawyers and the worst – b a n k e r s. However, as individuals the major amount of them possesses or have ever possessed a webpage or a blog.  Moreover, not only crappy ones. Meanwhile, I maybe have tried the variety of activities mentioned above but never blogging. I found myself sane enough to keep my private life at the shelf where it belongs to. Now as bones are getting fragile and the life shorter – it’s a sexy time for DROP BY DROP LOOSING THE SANITY and revealing god damn things.

In a manner of speaking, I don’t know how it’s going to begin and when it’s going to end. However, this is going to try to become my personal blog which at this time DOES NOT FOCUS neither on COFFEE, WOMEN or PERFUME and is going to fulfill chattered memories of travels, friendships, aspirations employment and 4 walls-Internet life.

So WELCOME to my new-born blog as it is. I don’t expect you to read it, I don’t expect you to like it and after all I don’t expect your comments. As long as I am not paid for it, hunting rabbits would be me profitable for the both sides.

P.S. Each and every reader should be aware of the fact that the life before the Internet was also a life and thus never deny the circumstance that if you are here – you are also there.  


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