Sunday 25 September 2011

Taste of Morocco

'Get back on the track' - how many of people say it every day? What's the chance that today you've also got back on the track? Your moves became more accurate, you calculate faster, you read more carefully, you speak louder... Now it's also time for me to get back on the track and to recollect shattered pieces of Morocco in terms of smell and taste.

It's been a while now since we got into this bizarre activity of travelling to one of North African lands. All the way zig-zaging Morocco with the team of great individuals Migle, Ramune and Justinas:
Easy late and rainy morning breakfast consistent of Orange Juice, 'Mojito Tea' and some unpredictable pancakes.

This is the moment when I will post nothing regarding emotions. Let's talk business. This all is going to be simply about WHAT TO BE EATEN AND WHAT OPTIMALLY NOT in Morocco in terms of my stomach.

While reading you are recommended to listen to this: PUSH ME

Good things come first:
The same flawless tea from the times of breakfast.

 This sort of tea goes with the rooftops and landscapes of mountains.

Justas studying tea and turning himself into habibi.

Rough roads require stopping for a one more tea-break.

When a day comes, a proper lunch is required. Tajine. 

You have to see things from different angles.

Pure example of highly recommended dish - there is a chicken inside.

If I could, I would devote my life for a dine and wine.

Tajine doesn't grow on the trees - you have to prepare it.

Then consumption takes over! Use your right.

Proper dinner ought to be followed by a colorful dessert.

Far deserts are not rich in food.

Everyone has their own coffee-shop where they go not only for a coffee.

Instead of 'Statoil'. Also for a road. 

Your brain starts to demand water.

Where are people - there is coke. 

And McDonalds.

Every show has a backstage.

Even Nordic taste could be satisfied.

There are also things which you don't want to know about:

Not everything what comes from nature ends up in human bodies.

Don't hesitate to enjoy your lives dear fellows and comrades!

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